(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Judge Merchan DELAYS sentencing hearing for Trump



  1. Hmmmmm wonder what their up to with that being done. Can’t trust those cheating Democrats, and the Judge is one of them.

  2. There are a lot of problems with this case first they lifted the statute of limitations in order to bring it second it’s a state lawsuit and they’re using federal charges thirdly they have Juror tampering. And the other problem is the directions that the judge gave that they don’t have to all agree on any one particular charge to to put it mildly it’s a mess

    • Hard not to imagine any thing else, but up to something! I don’t see how delaying a possible jail sentence just 1 1/2 months before the election is a good thing except the possibility it will all be dropped in time! Good thing is it is well after the RNC and the DNC’s fiasco convention!

  3. This is what I was thinking would happen. Next the appeals will be heard by the upper court and the verdict will be vacated. Then they will decide against a retrial and the case will be dropped. The judge and DA screwed up so bad that they will only try to mend their careers.

    • I hope the judge, and da are disbarred for a frivolous case and wasting taxpayer’s money and the court’s time, and the jury is fined and held in contempt for jury tampering and listening to outside sources with all their days off between the judge’s final instructions and their deliberation. It astounds me that the jury was not sequestered. IMO, they were paid off and the leaker spilled the beans with his/her comments to them which is clearly jury tampering. TRUMP 2024.

  4. IMO, the case has too many flaws and merchan wants to delay sentencing because he knows those flaws will be brought to light and the case will be completely dismissed. merchan doesn’t want to look like the bad guy and he doesn’t want to make fat ass alvin bragg look like a double ass. The case will disintegrate all on its own. If the case would go to trial again, alvin bragg will have egg on his fat ass times two. That is how big a fraud this case was. Trump in innocent. Just wait to hear the lib wining and crying on this one. The dominoes are starting to fall.

  5. Yeah I smell.a rat too , they certainly haven’t gone out of their way YET until.now ??.well Trump requested it and this creep judge obliged ….I pray #45 AND #47 knows what he’s doing ..

  6. Trump is ALWAYS one step ahead of the Deep State Cabal. Seems things are falling right into place for the Great Awakening! The ending isn’t for everyone!

  7. Well, well, well. First and foremost it should never have even gotten this far. Now, luckily the Supreme Court was smart enough to take appropriate action. If this corrupt court wants to get away with this they will go away quietly now. No more bringing light to them. Only problem is….. they need another plan to bring Trump down. I still smell a rat. This still ain’t over till the fat lady sings. I didn’t see this coming. Let’s keep praying for out Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump.

    • You betcha. TRUMP 2024/VP can’t make up my mind) to carry the torch, then DeSantis 2028 to carry it for another 8.

  8. Everything these clowns do is coordinated ahead of time with the current administration.
    Don’t be naive to think this is a necessarily a good thing. The Deep State has proven themselves to always be one step ahead.

  9. The judge in New York knew this decision from the supreme Court was coming. Of course the supreme Court upheld what is already known.
    Many of us have said from the beginning that the court case was just a show to say Trump is a felon and make voters worry that their candidates was going to be a lame duck because he was in jail.
    There is no way that new York can House Trump in jail. His secret service would also be jailed with him.
    Though I would not ever put it past the Dems to try and put him in a jail cell.
    The trial was all smoke and mirrors.
    Another example of this. Have you listened to the liberal media and sent talking points for the last month especially after the verdict. They all are trying to scare people into thinking Trump will take revenge once in office. Knowing full well the supreme Court has to uphold presidental immunity. Now the talking heads are upping the anti after the ruling.
    Funny the last time Trump ran they said he would be a dictator. Ask yourself who is taking away your, water heaters, air conditioner, cars, washing machines gas appliances. Who took away your light bulbs? Who is taking away your choice for a veichle all in the name of climate change? I only know one side that dictates or over regulates so you have no choice.
    My point is, the trial was snake and mirrors because they knew this ruling has to be this way

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