(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Judge blocks deportation of pro-Palestinian Columbia graduate in shock move



  1. And you wonder why Lawyers who become judges are so Anti American and Corrupt , We are at WAR and the Enemy is within our own Government, the COMMUNIST Socialist have taken over . They are Winning and Won’t have to FIRE a single shot. Wake up America 🇺🇸. Don’t EVER EVER EVER Give up your Freedom or Firearms, We may need them to Retake our Republic 🇺🇸 .

  2. Both omar and tlaib need to be censured and physically REMOVED from Congress. These two ugly seahags don’t belong in our government. They don’t belong in the US. It’s only free speech for the democrats and their filth, but not for anyone else.

  3. Kick him out! As well as all the unelected liberal judges and AG James and her ilk. NONE of these people have America’s best interests at heart. They do nothing but defend America’s enemies. And get the do-called Squad while you’re at it.

  4. Anyone who stands behind what this clown has said and done at the universities concerning Hamas, needs to be deported with him. The left serves nothing but evil.

  5. Here we go again. Leftist judge protecting violent protesters. The judge should be protecting Americans from these violent agitators. People with green cards should obey the law, if not kick them out of the country! Both the judge and AG James should be impeached! Both are traitors to the American people.

  6. It has come to the point we should ignore these judges and deal with the aftermath later. We have to make a stance against obviously corrupt judges acting beyond the scope of their job.

  7. How the hell can this unelected judges allowed to over ride our ELECTED by the American people President’s orders? What has happened to We The Peoples’s constitutional rights. This has got to stop! These rogue judges must be impeached!

    • So why weren’t the summer of live rioters punished? Is this administration Israel first? I am sick of Israel and sick of all you fine gentiles being sucked in.

  8. It must be my ignorance I don’t understand how all these lower court commie judges can step in and stop what the POTUS is trying to do. It sure didn’t stop the last administration did it? More corruption led by the evil commie cult devil DEMONcrates is my take. And where are the sorry ass republicans?


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