(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Israel under attack by Iranian missiles, sirens blare across county



  1. Perfect timing, in this election year. That is if there is an election. These war mongering Democrats are salivating at the opportunity to cancel all elections due to a “military conflict” which will no doubt turn into WW3. Hold on tight folks, life as we’ve known it is about to take an even worse turn towards losing this country.

    • All I got to say to them is they are not bombing here and even if they were I would vote anyway and make my vote count before I was gone.

  2. Here we go folks, the warmongers cannot wait to sacrifice more of our young men and spend billions of we the peoples money. Who is the party of warmongering? Clue; it’s not the party of conservatives, f’n disgusting 🤮 scumbags. Bet ol big ears is in on it as he has been with all the happenings since 2020.

  3. Well Harris and Biden started this war with Israel they are communists we had better get our heads out of our asses because we are in huge trouble with these clowns in office !! Harris is a war monger she can never be allowed to win in Nov no way

  4. This is not really news, what arab country isnt firing missiles on a daily basis at Israel? What is our tough talking saber rattling president going to do about it? Nothing, as always. At worst he will send your sons and daughters to some outpost in the harms way as a show of force. With rules of engagement that will get them all killed.

  5. The missiles keep coming and civilians keep dying but no one is ever going to declare a state of war against another state, even if a state of war already exists. Because it more civil that way and it can go on forever.


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