(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Identity of Trump rally gunman released



  1. The gunman didn’t just happen to walk by and decide I can climb that roof and shoot Trump ..

  2. A 20 year old assassin ! Wow! His parents must be so proud! Perhaps they should be investigated for raising an assassin and a terrorist! Hope they’re happy that their son is in eternal hell where he belongs!

  3. I can’t say I’m happy he is in hell where he belongs. This poor soul had a demon on his back and was most likely working for someone or the idea was planted in his head. He was (allowed) access to that roof. Trump has been shown over and over he is the chosen one for the job. Secret service involved? Is there a few plants working on the inside? Will we ever know the real truth about the shooter?

  4. Tomm the choice is ours as to whom we will serve …. The gunmen made his choice …. We can not keep kicking the can down the road. Personable responsibility its a real thing.

  5. I truly believe the secret service has been compromised. There should have been secret service on all roof tops. This was a huge failure by the secret service and it seems on purpose.

  6. God knows the truth of it all, and God will be the judge. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
    And that goes for the rest of the evil people on both the left, the right. I dont care if you dont beleive in God, you will be judged by the very God you dont beleive in.

  7. How many scumbags including pervertwood elites, corrupt news media haters, propaganda box talking heads, even some of the devil DEMONcrate politicians have “hinted” or said take him out. Think about what’s been said over the last several years even those in his own party and absolutely nothing was said or done. America is no better than the third world countries that they stick those noses in all too often. This little punk is most likely an example of the indoctrination that has gone on and so many of these little scumbags march, hate, burn flags, deface property, and push a anti America agenda and it all starts in the home your raised in. No respect, morals or discipline in these little punks. Can’t wait to start reading the “excuses” behind this scumbag.

  8. Wait a minute…originally they said the shooter was Jacque Henkle a 28 yr old Democrat Antifa member. I have searched high and low and no longer find this information anymore. It has been removed from www.

    Does this mean so.ething is being hidden, a second shooter possibility???

    Did anyone else see that info?

  9. Looks like the rally attendees had more intelligence and quicker observation skills ,they could have done WAY better protecting Trump and the others .Trump should hire decent American patriots like that man who was interviewed ,they’d DO the job . This mess will.continue to unravel .The SS really dropped the ball and that’s inexcusable .

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