(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Germany’s Conservative Party storms country’s election [Trump responds]



  1. Excellent!!! What has been done to the German people…a PsyOp. The Notsee party was put in place …all part of a design….for many reasons. and the German people have been battered enough.

    Be proud German people! Stand up! You’ve been punished and punished and made to feel like you deserve to be punished.

  2. Wonderful news that Germany’s liberal pukes are defeated just like ours. The world is changing. The liberals will be kicked into the storm sewer to be chewed up where they belong along with the rats who live there. That is the second-best news today. The first was msnbc storm rat joy-less reid has been kicked to the curb. The racist biggot who wishes she were white but made nasty comments about conservative white people. How does it feel to be walking the unemployment line joy-less, you nasty hag? Did anyone escourt you out of the building for all to see and remove your ID card and security badge.

  3. The WORLD is tired to death of the pro”re”gressive parties. Thank the LORD the PEOPLE are getting what the want, Common Sense Government!!!

  4. Awesome! So glad to see Germany coming to their senses and the liberal socialists defeated! Also elated to see that racist bit€h Reid kicked to the curb! Finally !Common sense is prevailing!


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