(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo launches campaign for new office



  1. The only position that Cuomo is fit for is as an inmate at Rykers Island. With the death toll he created during the Covid scamdimic.

  2. Time for a REPUBLICAN to win not only NYC mayor but mayor of ALL New York State cities, town, villages, and hamlets.
    Time for a REPUBLICAN to be Governor of New York State.
    These DEMONrats are DESTROYING New York State – New York City and Upstate New York.

  3. The only way to clean up New York state is to go RED. REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT. You are so lucky to have a child as a Congress woman. NOT. . aoc should be given her walking papers, the little socialist twat. She is the death of New York City, and dumber than gorilla puke.

  4. If New Yorkers put that grandma grandpa murderer back in office They are completely blind and clueless and need to be cut off from funding along with California

  5. I don’t think a Conservative Republican would ever have a chance of winning the Mayors office in NYC . Look at all the big Cities run by Establishment Liberal Democrats . Lawlessness , Crime ,High Taxes Budget Deficits Corruption. I’m not letting the Republicans off the hook either , but your chances are better off holding them accountable to the people. Good luck NYC .

  6. Isn’t he the reason NY sucks now? the governor that locked down the city and killed all the old people…. that guy? come on NY I know ya all a hot mess but you gotta do better than this!!!


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