(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Father of Georgia high school shooting suspect arrested [MUGSHOT]



  1. As he should be. What an idiot buying his son a gun!! Especially since he’d been interviewed by the FBI for threats made by his son last year. They should both get the de**h penalty.

  2. It should also be a federal crime for threatening to shoot up a school!
    5 years minimum.
    The authorities did nothing last year or this year to prevent this 14 year old that committed this horrendous crime…
    When you see something, say something but know one does anything.

  3. Seems like all these shootings had some form of the law knowing there was a probability of these shooters acting up on what they post..
    Interesting that the shooters are never stopped before they can carry out their crimes..
    Why is the law always delaying to prevent such crimes..

    • That point is a huge issue. And worth a debate.
      Our laws are not helping in these types situations. We also have to do something about mental health in this country.
      This was another school shooting that should have been prevented yet wasn’t.

  4. So threats to copycat this shooting and the cops addressed them.as they take these things DERIOUSLY ???.ahem…….if they HAD done that in the first place this wouldn’t BE a horror headline..Glad ” Dad’s’ in jail …..psychopath

  5. Its funny people said he need help and made threats. The FBI was to busy arresting jan6thers to pay attention to this matter.

  6. So after the authorities told the father his son is suspected of making online threats the father thinks it’s a good idea to get a 14 yr old and AR style rifle? Yep he deserves to be in jail..
    Is there a mother in the home? She also needs jailed if so… Parents who knowingly help a mentally ill violent child have access to weapons need to be in jail along with the shooter.
    I also want to add. Some people just really shouldn’t be parents… Some children do not have a chance from birth

  7. I’m against most Red Flag laws because of the blanket rule idea. If an angry family member calls and makes false accusations against you then you loose your rights without any legal protections, some say better safe than sorry but look at the administration we currently have.
    Now we need mental health care and rules and cooperation within the agencies to prevent these individuals from getting firearms. Having worked with a local firearms dealer before and performed background checks on hundreds of people the ATF and mental health departments across the US should have a database to work from together. Yet I digress as we all know how government intelligence works.
    With that being said, buying your child a firearm is and can be a great experience for both parent and child. There is a great responsibility involved on both sides to ensure that proper training is provided and under stood. Much like the keys to a car some are not ready for the responsibility at the legal age.
    Does anyone remember hearing a single Democrat calling for gun control after the failed murder attempt on President Trump? I didn’t think so, it’s all about control.

  8. The way to stop this crap is to jail everyone who knowingly contribute to, and ignore, the shooters actions.
    Why has “mom” been spared any charges? She is every bit as guilty as dad. You really want to end these shootings? Cast a much wider net.

  9. What parent would allow a 14 year old to possess a gun? Now it us s different story if the parent bought it to go hunting But not give it to him

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