(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Canada backs down from 25% electricity surcharge after Trump threats



  1. They, Canada, can not believe they can blackmail the US of A. Poke the BEAR and prepare to be bitten!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. Build Power Plants in the US and We won’t have to take shit 💩 from our So called Allies. Let’s get to Building!!!!!!! 👍 🇺🇸💪 .

  3. WTF 🤬 people, are you f’n trolls that ignorant that you don’t care that other countries fk us on tariffs? Long as your 401k is booming or you think it don’t affect “me” it’s ok? Ever wonder why you don’t see American cars outside of America yet our republic is full of foreign vehicles? The economy will adjust it may not be instantaneous however it will. Our republic has to stop be the nice guy and level the playing field. I see posts of people whining about the tariffs never mind getting f’d over and over again. Stop your selfish bull💩. After the last four years of fleecing you could at least be appreciative of the efforts of trying to straighten out the disaster left by the last commie administration. We have those bitching about the jobs lost because of waste and fraud, it’s our f’n money idiots. Bunch of ignorant sheepeople marching to the cliff waiting for the jump command.

  4. Called yesterday that this asshat had zip in his hand and Trump held pocket aces. This guy folded like a cheap lawn chair. This guy must of found out that the Alberta oil was being transported through US pipelines to Toronto and all the US had to do is shut it down. Use auto companies would have shuttered the plants and made them here. It was like taking candy from a small child.


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