(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Calif Senate votes on bill allowing illegal aliens to get taxpayer-funded downpayment assistance on home loans



  1. California has the dumbest fucking politician is the world !!! Where in hell do they think that I owe fuckin illegal anything !!! If this is not stop our country is done !!! The working class cannot support this stupid stuff !!! Peeloser , waters and Schiff are all dumbass this is to buy votes and nothing else !!! It time to cut California out of America and let the dumb voter out there to foot the bill !!!

  2. Californication has bit it’s tax paying citizens in the ass again. Move out people, but leave YOUR politics home, and leave the State to the political upper class that hates you and loves the ILLEGAL INVADERS!!!

  3. I think Gov Newsom is going to sign and pass this bill. He and many democrats feel kamala Harris will win the WH in 2024. It is a calculated risk politically but i think he will do it.

    It will be a kick in the nuts for all American citizens. This the illegal aliens DO NOT pay taxes. They “file” taxes, under reporting what they make and using their kids or relatives in Honduras as a tax deduction. Their goal is to obtain a tax refund. I know an illegal alien from el Salvador that works in a furniture factory in Nevada. He is paid under the table at $16 an hour. He received a $12,000 tax refund last year.

    This fraud must stop and every possible illegal alien must be deported.

    • Have you reported him? Sadly you are not alone in knowing how crooked the system is for illigals sapping the money out of this country.

  4. Anyone who still can’t see that our government at all levels is a cabal that is blatantly spitting in your eye and laughing about has an IQ below 40.

  5. Liberals are so stupid. That is something that should be voted on by the people of the state, nit the stupid legislature.
    Illegals should be deported, instead they are getting a hone, all on the taxpayers dime.
    Guess they are trying to get back all the people that gave left the state.

  6. I’m kind of confused how an illigals is paying taxes, working and has a social security # in the first place.
    By all logic the “illigal” isn’t eligible for anything.
    Let’s do this. Every law abiding sain person in California should be given a large some of money to move. Then every illegal in the United States can be sent to California to live among the stars of Hollywood. I know there are parts of California that are different however if Newsome stays in their state is lost. Get out now..
    California dreaming is for illigals not for hard working Americans. Remember they also have sqauter rights there. Let’s see how well this works..

  7. california, secede from the US already. I don’t want your fucking state to be a part of America any longer. Take your illegal freeloaders with you, you are disgusting lowlife scum.

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