(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Biden unveils radical proposal to overhaul the Supreme Court



  1. I believe he should go even further – term limits for all in the Senate & House! 18 years and DONE! Let’s see…Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell & many others – BYE BYE! The Democrats are WEIRD!

  2. As Trump would say… “Careful what you wish for Joe.” He just might be living out his final days in a prison cell.

  3. How about TERM LIMITS FOR THE SENATE AND HOUSE!!!!!! Our country is DOOMED. President Trump has played right into the democrats trap.

  4. I’ve NEVER SEEN SUCH AN OVERREACH & ARROGANT ABUSE OF POWER by any sitting president????? The lawless Biden Democrat Criminal Mob are now trying to “REFORM “& altar the Supreme Court under the Constitution to THEIR EXTREMIST DEGRADED WISHES? They need to be REMOVED as a domestic threat to national security!

    • They are just sore losers and want to go scorched earth on the country because they didn’t get the results they wanted. God help us if Kamala get elected.

  5. Trump.hasnt committed ANY crimes ,talking about yourself joe ??.Obama ?.Clinton ?.bush?. …you ALL deserve whatever you get …FJB ,…..you’ll hang yourself…good .

  6. This is going nowhere. Just another form of pandering to the left wing radicals. These changes would take years to amend and he thinks he can do it in 99 days. What a complete and utter moron. I bet if the democrats controlled the Supreme Court he would be doing nothing

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