(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Biden admin freezes controversial migrant flight program after massive fraud exposed



  1. They discovered fraud?? They don’t give a shit if they defrauded the people. The reason they stopped is because they got busted…and most likely they reached their quota of illegals that they’ve registered to vote!! 🤬😡 Do not be fooled!!

  2. This administration is a total cluster Fu€k. Heads should roll and people fired. Get rid of these idiots, they are destroying America all in the name of a vote. WTF! If you continue to vote democrat you should have your right to vote stripped. You are a clueless fool. If you condone this bs you are an enemy of America. Go to a socialist country where you’ll be happy. Stop screwing this country up. If you try to change this country to a place you came from, go back you mf. You want freedom and prosperity, come in legally. You come here live by America rules stop trying to make it like your home.

    • You hit the nail right on the head I read this yesterday and I wanted to scream from the trees that’s how angry I was but we knew it. We knew they were flying in 32,000 people on a monthly basis majorcas and the Biden Kamala administration are a disgrace and destruction to America you could never ever vote these people in. This is all for money control votes power Open your eyes people Go to the polls and vote smartly not party vote for the person who is going to put America and the American people first The Democrats are a lost party and that goes for the rhinos 2 they’re no better.

  3. A bunch of crooked bastards. Now they want Kamala. Another idiot. If they cheat again. You might as well kiss America goodbye

  4. This is infuriating! They do things under table all the time and get away with it!How much do we have to endure? They are trying to win an election by hook or crook! We need it to stop!

  5. Someone should kickbox that condescending POS mayorkas in the teeth. He is a lying SOB scumbag as well as a fascist, communist, and whatever else you want to call him. All this admin knows is fraud, lies, deceit, counterfeiting, filling out hundreds of thousands of ballots fraudulently, stuffing ballot boxes, allowing illegal fucking freeloaders in here who rob, steal, rape and murder. May the gators eat them when they pass over the river and approach our southern border.

  6. Wait, they’re just going to pause it and then after ‘investigating’ they’re going to resume? NO NO NO. it is a failed crappy for America program. Toss it out. Kill it. Geez

  7. Who is running this Country ??
    People who hate America are being let in !!! We are being invaded ! Basically unannounced Wars everywhere !

  8. And Yet with all these treasonous acts, Harris is neck to neck with Trump in the poll .. just unbelievable the stupidity of the left .

  9. I live in a Southern state and a black republican , who I will vote for was courageous enough to say out loud what a lot of us are thinking… some people should be killed!The ones that hate our country and want it destroyed to establish a NWO.

  10. I am getting concern that we might wind up with Harris as all those posts I see when the dems jump in on Posts for Trump demeaning him and bragging up Harris. I sure hope I am wrong as if Harris our country and Americans are screwed. I pray that there is not as many Harris supporters as it seems like.

  11. Those disgusting Dems got their way! By allowing all the illegals in our country they were planning on getting more blue votes and now here they are…can’t someone do something to stop this insanity? We need Trump now more than ever!

  12. The truth of the matter is these people should be imprisoned for treason against this country and the American people what they have done is against the Constitution and lawsuits should be brought against these people they should be thrown in prison they should be treated like the January 6th protesters. They opens up our borders to illegal migrants they endangered every American citizen they put the burden of care on the taxpayers backs. The Constitution is very specific about protecting our borders and the American people from illegals. Truthfully we should have a group of attorneys that bring a class action suit by the American people against the government this regime for what they did to this country and the American people. Obama and his cronies George Soros they have nothing on their agenda but destruction of America all for globalism New world order control power and votes we the American people have to start to take serious action not violence legal action against the government. We cannot just sit here and allow and accept the fact that they have violated this country and the American people’s rights to protection by the government that we pay to do a job.. this makes me so angry because it impacts our children and our grandchildren.

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