(Commenting on)  BREAKING: Arizona finally announces state results of presidential election



  1. When are they going to start questioning the difference in Biden’s #’s in 2020 to 2024 knowing that there’s no way he got that many votes but by cheating

    • I was thinking the same thing. The entire state voted RED. It would be very fishy if Lake lost. Very fishy indeed. Another fishy one is casey in PA is looking for 41,000 votes and a recount in PA. Just where the hell does he think he is going to find 41,000 votes which he believes were miscounted. The polling locations were being closely monitored this time like no other time in history. We have Lara Trump and her team to thank for that by finding Attorney’s and additional poll workers to monitor locations closely. I believe only a scant few might have been miscounted.

  2. DDHQ and the swamp creatures of AZ are actively stealing the Senate and House races in Arizona, in real-time. They’ve been caught plain as day, but blatantly and openly do not care. Check it out on thegatewaypundit.com.

  3. There is so much more questioning where did the excessive amounts of votes come from in 2020. points more and more to cheating. Yah, was keeping fingers crossed Trump would pull Arizona off for 312. Demwits can’t handle it. Was 312 your final count when predicting DML? You got the PA correct and that was a tough one.

  4. Linda has the question that needs to be answered. Why is there such a discrepancy in voters? 10 plus million voters ? Really? Congressional hearings need to bring about!

  5. I think I can give Trump 320 as I think one state also gave 8 more for winning popular vote. Don’t remember the state.

  6. 81 million votes my azz for joe biden in 2020????? Hardly. There is the difference of 10,000,000 votes right there. joe allegedly only received 71 million votes in 2020. At 1:13 am I saw 120,000 votes appear beside joe biden’s name and that is only on one monitor. That is impossible. It takes longer than 2 seconds to register one vote. That was a cut and paste job right there. But we will never know as the Supreme Court wouldn’t touch it. They didn’t want to set a precedent.

  7. Hell yay!! Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸Landslide🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴Red wave👋👋🇺🇸So proud of them. The people voted for Common Sense, Americans 1st🇺🇸🇺🇸🚂💨💨💨# MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸Draining the Swamp 🐊🐊🐊🐊🙌🙌🙌🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️

  8. My brother lives in AZ and can’t understand how the State went for Our President TRUMP BIGLY but Kari is losing. I told him the nut job Ricker said he was going to make her live miserable and that’s what he’s doing. If she does “lose” a RECOUNT would be justified.

    • I’m out here in AZ too and it sickens me too ,the whole thing is on purpose . I wish these corrupt POS’s would get their butts lit up, I.hope O’ Keefe and others keep filming/.recording .

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