What’s even worse the the arrogance of his whining about jail being hard is the fact he might actually win the case as many woke judges we now have who feel sorry for the criminals. I can’t even imagine how outraged their families are…
This will not be the only one to make these demands. Biden has opened a litigious can of worms for no reason other than to burden President Trump.
I truly have no words for this…. what a pile of garbage, this entitled piece of trash should be thanking his lucky stars he is not going to fry… and thinks he is tortured…. what a bout the families of the women he killed… I promise you their torture is far worse than his…. better keep your ass right where you are and thank god you are not meeting your maker sooner than planned…
Maybe when we get a president in January that has active brain cells, he possibly can put them back on death row where they belong. They are still costing Americans millions with their keep and stupid legal counsel.
Hmmm victims are of course white and this animal is black so we know how this one played out. Culture of dumb continues to ruin our republic and preach their fake narrative that’s gone on for decades. This f’n scumbag should never see the light of day again.
Of course he is asking to be released, I would ask too if I were in prison knowing there is a traitorous fool in office giving free passes to lowlifes. JoJo is a disgrace and should be in prison for his treasonous actions while in office. He has placed himself and his family ahead of the American people.
Re instate the death penalty for this POS! Then he can be tortured in hell!
What a scumbag whining about prison being torture. I am happy he feels it is torture because if he isn’t going to fry then I want him to suffer the rest of his natural life. I hope he suffers for a very long time. Plus he should only get bread and water…yeah suffer some more you maggot!
I think any political figure can take Biden to the supreme court and disqualify him for making this type of decisions due to his dementia. He is not fit to be the President neither making decisions that affect our country and their citizens.
What audacity this POS and his lawyers have!! Since he will no longer face the death penalty, put his ungrateful sick murdering a— in solitary confinement 20 hrs a day. It’s thugs like him who stop any meaningful change in our prison system. Let him continue to pay for his evil behavior.
Put him in general population with Bubba for a cell mate to help him through the nights.
Looks like vigilante justice will make a comeback if this type of injustice to victims continues.
Mr. S. Colt can save the taxpayers a fortune in about 5 seconds.
Agree 100 percent, Paige
Just freaking ridiculous!!! This scumbag didn’t deserve to have his sentence commuted from the Death Penalty to Life without parole let alone a compassionate release!!!
What’s even worse the the arrogance of his whining about jail being hard is the fact he might actually win the case as many woke judges we now have who feel sorry for the criminals. I can’t even imagine how outraged their families are…
This will not be the only one to make these demands. Biden has opened a litigious can of worms for no reason other than to burden President Trump.
I truly have no words for this…. what a pile of garbage, this entitled piece of trash should be thanking his lucky stars he is not going to fry… and thinks he is tortured…. what a bout the families of the women he killed… I promise you their torture is far worse than his…. better keep your ass right where you are and thank god you are not meeting your maker sooner than planned…
Maybe when we get a president in January that has active brain cells, he possibly can put them back on death row where they belong. They are still costing Americans millions with their keep and stupid legal counsel.
Hmmm victims are of course white and this animal is black so we know how this one played out. Culture of dumb continues to ruin our republic and preach their fake narrative that’s gone on for decades. This f’n scumbag should never see the light of day again.
Of course he is asking to be released, I would ask too if I were in prison knowing there is a traitorous fool in office giving free passes to lowlifes. JoJo is a disgrace and should be in prison for his treasonous actions while in office. He has placed himself and his family ahead of the American people.
Re instate the death penalty for this POS! Then he can be tortured in hell!
What a scumbag whining about prison being torture. I am happy he feels it is torture because if he isn’t going to fry then I want him to suffer the rest of his natural life. I hope he suffers for a very long time. Plus he should only get bread and water…yeah suffer some more you maggot!
I think any political figure can take Biden to the supreme court and disqualify him for making this type of decisions due to his dementia. He is not fit to be the President neither making decisions that affect our country and their citizens.
What audacity this POS and his lawyers have!! Since he will no longer face the death penalty, put his ungrateful sick murdering a— in solitary confinement 20 hrs a day. It’s thugs like him who stop any meaningful change in our prison system. Let him continue to pay for his evil behavior.
Put him in general population with Bubba for a cell mate to help him through the nights.
Looks like vigilante justice will make a comeback if this type of injustice to victims continues.
Mr. S. Colt can save the taxpayers a fortune in about 5 seconds.
Agree 100 percent, Paige
Just freaking ridiculous!!! This scumbag didn’t deserve to have his sentence commuted from the Death Penalty to Life without parole let alone a compassionate release!!!