(Commenting on)  BOOM! Trump responds in fiery statement after John Kelly’s latest allegations



  1. Here we are again, right on que. Same bullshit prior to 2020 election.
    A former Trump administration official and Biden recently accused the former president of making the statement. In early October 2023, Biden and a former member of Donald Trump’s presidential administration resurrected a years-old unverifiable accusation against Trump again that allegedly revealed his opinion of U.S. military troops. According to the unverifiable claim, Trump once allegedly called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers” while talking to people in his inner circle.
    Trump and his allies have denied the accusation since it first emerged in 2020, shortly before the election between Trump and Biden. Whether performative or authentic, Trump’s apparent support for soldiers in the U.S. military, both active and veteran members, has been part of his presidential campaigns.

    Following a story by The Atlantic, a number of reputable news outlets reported on the alleged comments in 2020, relying entirely on one anonymous source from his administration and none verified. They couldn’t even give a named source. Appears none of them trusted and verified as there appeared to be NO VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE OF AUDIO, VIDEO, NOTES, RECORDINGS OR REMARKS in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm the alleged quotes authenticity. Moreover, there were no witnesses of the in-question comments firsthand, we can’t say for certain to verify whether Trump called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers” to himself. We will never know that. Trump representatives had no supplemental evidence to help substantiate the information.

    How the Accusations Emerged
    Citing anonymous officials from the administration, the 2020 article by The Atlantic, titled, “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’,” unpacked Trump’s trip to Paris in 2018 when he allegedly did not want to visit a cemetery of American war dead. The visit was cancelled BECAUSE OF BELOW LANDING LIMIT WEATHER…LOW LEVEL GROUND FOG AND LIGHT TO MODERATE RAIN. ZERO VISIBILITY ZERO AND CEILING. MarineOne was thus grounded due to weather. An Airbus 360 can’t land in zero/zero unless it is equipped with CAT 111 A/B/C technology which is a hands free of the pilot landing it. As long as thei aircraft settings are entered correctly and verified by the F/O. I doubt Marine One has that capability. Marine One is flown by members of the Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) flight crew. HMX-1 includes over 800 marines. Along with transporting the president, HMX-1 is responsible for the transportation of the vice president, heads of state, Department of Defense (DoD) officials, and various VIPs. To transport via vehicles with the President in one was too far a distance to transport President’s entourage for a 2 hour drive in bad weather and that idea was scrapped also.

    The Marine Corp called for the cancellation due to weather, not President Trump’s call. A British reporter brought this issue up again this week just in time for the election when nothing is verifiable with the claim of one anonymous witness. If there were a witness, I want to see a name published so I can Trust but Verify. This statement was made by Ronald Reagan in December, 1987 after signing of the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) with Mikhail Gorbachev who quipped “You repeat that at every meeting? Reagan replied “I like it”.

    Weather reports and forecasts are very easily verifiable back years throughout the world. Speaking to reporters on Sept. 3, 2020 upon returning from a campaign rally to Washington, D.C., just after the report came out, Trump said: “I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes. There is nobody that respects them more. No animal — nobody — what animal would say such a thing?”

    Jeffrey Goldberg Editor-in-Chief at The Atlantic wrote, “according to four people to whom Trump made those remarks,” then it would be pretty easy for the administration to identify those people, BUT THEY DID NOT. Still, not knowing exactly who heard what — with none of the sources on the record — muddies the picture.

    General Kelly, who was with Trump during the trip as his chief of staff said, “I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers and suckers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think John Kelly, a former Marine Corp General would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers and suckers?” Now all of a sudden Kelly is flip-flopping on his story.

    In summary, the claim stemmed from a story by The Atlantic, which relied on anonymous, second-hand reports of Trump’s ALLEGED WORDS AS THERE WAS NO VERIFIABLE PROOF, FOOTAGE, NOTES, OR VOICE RECORDING OF THOSE WORDS, but here we area again. Looks like they didn’t Trust But Verify, did you Jeffrey Goldberg? The lying media won’t let anything rest but they cover up for joe biden and kamala the kackling cunt.

    Now we have kam-allah running with it again. It would not surprise me if she paid off Kelly, and paid off Goldberg to resurrect this garbage. The democrats have not reached their lowest point yet. There is still time.

    Hey kam-allah – SUCK IT.


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