(Commenting on)  BOOM: Trump administration fires prosecutors involved in Jan. 6 cases and moves toward ousting FBI agents



  1. This is a brave and necessary action. These personnel are political hacks ignoring their peace officer oath. They all need to be removed and prosecuted.

  2. Karma! Get Liz on civil charges since Obiden made sure she was safe federally. Same for Pelosi and Schiff. Clean house!!

  3. I hope it includes all of the 51 FBI agents who were forced to sign a letter that was a complete and total lie. Fire all the MFers. Hope they never again find gainful employment. Who the hell would want to hire a known liar. Using the institutional weight of their former esteemed roles, they signed a dishonest letter to mislead voters 15 days before the election, claiming that material from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by the New York Post “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

    In their expert opinion, “the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

    Russia was “trying to influence how Americans vote in this election … Moscow [will] pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win.

    “A ‘laptop op’ fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are [sic] clearly designed to discredit Biden … It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.”

    It was all a lie. Their letter was the culprit “interfering with democracy” in broad daylight.

    Not one of the 51 had seen any material from the laptop or bothered asking for it, but their letter, instigated by, signed and delivered to Politico by Democratic operative and former John Brennan aide Nick Shapiro, killed the story stone dead. It got candidate Joe Biden off the hook for the corrupt influence-peddling scheme his family had been running through the eight years of his vice presidency.

    The shameful letter was used by Joe Biden three days later, on October 22, to deflect Trump’s attack in their last debate.

    Hope the bastards rot in hell for this.

  4. F A F O you miserable disgusting lying cheating ba$tards. May you all rot in jail and burning Hell. What you liars put President Trump, his family, and us through, we will never forgive you.

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