(Commenting on)  BOMBSHELL EXPOSE: Spy bosses ‘silenced’ Defense Department, FBI scientists from briefing Biden on COVID lab leak evidence



  1. As a nurse I knew this information 5 years ago and left my job and moved out of state and was labeled a conspiracy theorist. I could care less, I don’t have Vaids because I was not jabbed. Very few people used common sense. There were so many red flags! Our government is so corrupt. A DOD operation that our own American people funded for our demise and illness. I just can’t. Makes me so angry. This needs to stop immediately and people need to be accountable! Now

  2. Rand Paul has rightfully so gone after Fauci. The man needs to be brought to justice for the covering up of the virus and the response. When a scientist is silenced because it does not go with the political narrative there are huge issues. when that same political party silences Americans from even discussing it in social media platforms we are in serious trouble… No credible person believe the COVID virus came from a food market

    • Well stated Brandi. And the despicable joe biden before he transfers power to President Trump will probably pardon fraud-chi who will walk away with $450,000 in retirement and bennies for the rest of his life. Maybe joe will collect 10% from fraud-chi. The miserable murdering sob should be in GITMO. We all suspected that fraud-chi was involved in this and was truly a fraud working with the globalists and allegedly bill gates to thin out the population. Go inject some covid virus you filthy lying cockroaches.


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