(Commenting on)  BLOWOUT: Tiffany Henyard, the financially-abusive supermayor, spent $80K on birthday party with nearly no one attending



  1. Well if she gets away with it, wich she will, then she is a “SUPER MAYOR!”
    And there’s nothing you can do about it but whine!
    She knows how to work the system, and she’s doing it all the way to the bank.

  2. How are the tax payers in her district not raising hell!
    I guess they don’t mind financing her life?
    How can she veto looking into her spending?
    The fact she does not care and at this point is just flaunting her spending knowing there is an outside investigation shows she doesn’t believe Lightfoot is serious.

  3. Welcome to Illinois. Waste all over this state along with dead people voting. I’m shocked she is still allowed to have a job

  4. How can a mayor use money for this? Where is the treasure? Who wrote the check and okayed the funds. Can we say fraudulent use of money, have her pay it back.

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