(Commenting on)  BLAME GAME: Chicago Mayor Blames Nixon for City’s Violent Fourth of July



  1. Nixon didn’t disarm the citizens.
    Nixon didn’t bring in the drug cartels with open borders.
    Nixon didn’t put woke prosecutors into office.
    Nixon didn’t defend BLM when they were destroying the city.
    Nixon didn’t allow the teachers union to destroy public education in Chicago.
    Nixon didn’t create the welfare state.
    Nixon didn’t drive businesses out of Chicago.
    No, Nixon didn’t do any of this. The Democrat Party did. I spent most of my life in Chicago. I witnessed it. Democrats are corrupt liars.

  2. Boy the culture of dumb is getting more desperate even though the REAL problem is the ignorant culture itself. You cannot reason with ignorance so it’s a waste of time to debate with these dummies and unfortunately ol whitey falls into the fake narrative trap as well.

  3. I remember the riots at the democratic convention when Humphrey was the nominee. And the inadequate mayor was mayor Daley. He’s to blame if anyone . Didn’t he have a son also as mayor. Lay off of Nixon. He was a great president but the dems ruined him..

  4. What a dumb pos well Chicago you elected the dumbest because most of you are blacks so enjoy the evil you elected

  5. A dumb ass mayor puts the blame on a dead president because he can’t or won’t control the violence in his city

  6. Par for the course. The violence in Chicago has nothing to do with Democrat policies over the last few decades? Let’s just overlook that the Democrats have crippled Law Enforcement ability to do their job. Citizens of Chicago need to wake up and FIRE the Democrats!!!

  7. So if Johnson would have won 50 years ago , Chicago wouldn’t be having the violence it has now? I’m trying to wrap my brain around the validity of such an ignorant statement! Surely there can’t be that many people (voters) in Chicago that actually believe such nonsense? Democrats have ran this city for the better part of a century and none of the blame for what is basically a war zone is on them? Yeah right 👌. Pathetic

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