He’s been delusional for 3+ years. He actually thinks he’s running the Country!
“Come keep my schedule”. That set me into hysterical laughter. biden must be delusional. joe, would that be your 10 am to 4 pm schedule, a six-hour day? That equates to a 30-hour work week (5 x 6) with weekends off. Most people work an 8-hour day plus another 1/2 hour for lunch. People work 8:30 to 5 pm and some work 8-4, 4-12 and 12a-8a which is the graveyard shift. Those are 8-hour days, joe. Your hours are not even a normal workday for most people.
I work 6-4:30 just to have off on Fridays. I’m a federal employee. Since the president can make up his schedule I will too. See how long I last. I’ll be fired!
Work his schedule. What a laugh. He really is doing drugs. Don’t forget to put billboards out there with your new hours do all our enemies you love so much know how NOT to reach you but destroy us.
Obama wants back in so badly, he got George to do the hit job.
Crooked Joe has become delusional Joe! Laughable
He’s been delusional for 3+ years. He actually thinks he’s running the Country!
“Come keep my schedule”. That set me into hysterical laughter. biden must be delusional. joe, would that be your 10 am to 4 pm schedule, a six-hour day? That equates to a 30-hour work week (5 x 6) with weekends off. Most people work an 8-hour day plus another 1/2 hour for lunch. People work 8:30 to 5 pm and some work 8-4, 4-12 and 12a-8a which is the graveyard shift. Those are 8-hour days, joe. Your hours are not even a normal workday for most people.
I work 6-4:30 just to have off on Fridays. I’m a federal employee. Since the president can make up his schedule I will too. See how long I last. I’ll be fired!
Work his schedule. What a laugh. He really is doing drugs. Don’t forget to put billboards out there with your new hours do all our enemies you love so much know how NOT to reach you but destroy us.
Obama wants back in so badly, he got George to do the hit job.