(Commenting on)  BAD FAITH: Kamala’s new radical faith leader believes ‘white supremacists’ are ruining Christianity



  1. Looks like that bitch is a white supremacist, doesn’t it? I just bet she is an entitled piece of white trash with a huge bankroll.

    • Bae bae they probably took a page out of the Kavenaugh hearings. Reminds me of commercials with actors wearing stethoscope s calling themselves “doctor”

  2. There are deranged white people who hate their own race. She is not a rep of Christianity. She teaches thr hallmarks of Satanism.

  3. She is a Great Deceiver , there are many more like her professing peace and kindness , But have Pure Evil intentions, I wouldn’t want to be her on JUDGEMENT DAY.

  4. That trashbag is as pale-faced white as a KKK pointed hat uniform. She must be one of them and hates blacks to the bottom of her soul also. Racist pig actually hates and feels the need to apologize for her own race. Pathetic

  5. The radical idiots are coming out of the walls. What a completely ignorant hateful bunch of rhetoric. This coming from a very White Woman. Just another evil person looking for her 15 minutes of fame.

  6. God warned us of the anti- Christ!!! He said that they will be judged more harshly for leading his people astray!!! We need to know what the Bible teaches us so we know what the anti christ looks like. Just because I disagree with her doesn’t mean I’m a white supremacist!! It makes me a Christian that loves God and country and denounces fake teachers

  7. Another America hating appointment by the “saviors” of Democracy🤬 They say want to unite the Country. But following the Obama formula they are dividing it even further 🤬🤬🤬

  8. Be prepared for another two months of the lies and deception that the Democrats put out before every election. It is sad that they cannot be procecuted or sued for slander after the elections are over. NEVER vote for a Democrat!!

  9. They use White supremacy, KKK and the word phobia for their fear mongering. They use the racist card at every opportunity they can to keep ethnic groups on their voter rolls. We have a law professor now saying the constitution must be banned because it is a threat to democracy, well ya because we are a republic not a democracy. They can’t get their one party rule like Venezuela with the constitution in their way. The tactics they use are parallel to Hitlets in the 1930s. This is a war that wont be faught on foriegn sole but right here in our homeland.

    • So is that stinking trashbag pelosi, and she claims to be a good Catholic. Far from it. She made a special trip to Rome to visit with the Pope to kiss his ass (oops, RING) so she could again receive holy communion. She was banned from several parishes in San Francisco for stepping foot in their church to receive the holy sacrament. Throw the loser out. She needs to go straight to hell, yesterday.

  10. Looks like this ugly anvil face needs to get a life and get off the white supremacy train that’s on the same worn out raciest track. Continue “trying” to promote the false narrative that’s been going on for decades now, it’s old, overused and basically ineffective. The culture your trying to promote hadn’t changed in all those decades and never will it’s too profitable and gives them the perfect excuse for being f-ups that cannot take care of themselves and pasty faced douche bags like you try to keep it going. Scumbag shill.

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