(Commenting on)  APPALLING: Liberals mock Trump’s ear bandage, after assassination attempt



  1. Anyone who has delt with any wounds know the ear is very hard to bandage. As if yesterday it was reported that Trump’s ear was still bleeding ( the ear is very vascular so easy to bleed). Under the large cover is smaller bandages and that is just covering it all.
    I’m sure the jokes will be in going. I can see a Saturday night live skit ( is that still on) playing…
    Some people at the convention are wearing the ear bandage as support

  2. These people are really deranged!! What kind of a human being would even suggest such a thing after a horrific act such as this!! These people have no souls whatsoever!! The best medicine is to ignore them because you don’t want to have what they’re having and become one of them

  3. I’ve ghosted every known liberal in my life. Suggest we all do. These people have an incurable mental health condition.

  4. What a sick America. To condone such viscousness. Satan sure has his army working overtime. A reminder that God sees all. Amen

  5. What a sick America. To condone such viscousness. Satan sure has his army working overtime. A reminder that God sees all. Amen

    Facebook says I already posted this and I didn’t. So post it

  6. Liberals are disgusting P O 🐎💩 I would be surprised if they didnt say anything. If he didnt wesr a bandage they would have mocked him for some other reason . Real sickos.

  7. The Liberal party is so mentally unstable to make fun of someone injury. I was watching the rally on FB when this happened the bullet went through President Trumps ear and blood was pouring down his face. God was watching over President Trump Saturday at that rally. I’m praying for President Trump and his family. I also praying for the families that were also victims and the family of the one that lost his life. This was a horrific tragedy.

  8. These people have evil hearts !! I have seen bandages like this when I worked ER… the ear like the face tends to bleed very easy. If you don’t like the bandage then don’t try to shot him !! Hearts and souls of evil !!

  9. Who in their right mind would ever think this was staged. Maybe they would like to take the stage and become a victim and see how it was staged. So sorry for these people as they don’t realize what and who they support. Just remember you may not like the man but he was a much better president then what we have now. They won’t admit it but is true. Dry your tears and become a big person and vote for the person that will keep peace in the country and be safe in your own country.

  10. They are just trying to pick a fight so they can then say we are the cause. They have not platform other than fomenting hate and vitrial. Ignore them and boycott them when ever possible. Treat them like a can of buttlight.

  11. Washed up Star Wars actor that came across as a wimpy Luke skywalker and did absolutely nothing after that is now poking fun at a man who was nearly killed?
    Shows what kind of moral values these clowns have. They think they are important enough to do what ever they want. Well face it Luke, you ain’t no Han Solo. (Remember that guy that went on to do countless movies after Star Wars? Does Indiana Jones ring a bell?)

  12. This woman being a nurse should know about bandages. Please Lord do not let me be any where she’s employed. There are people in California who think it was all staged. I invited them to the services for the murdered man. Tell his widow and fatherless children that it was staged . Then go to the hospital and tell that to the two people who were wounded. If you survive those two visits then come back and we will talk more about it being staged. These same people were wishing it had killed president Trump. When did we get so evil in this country or has there always been people like this. Just heartless.

  13. Really does show case how junkie and childish the scumbag libTARDS are. Definitely a cult of dummies that love being controlled.

  14. I despise some people. Mostly liberal idiots who are a waste of H2O who.are msm any dimwit in Congress & the administration. You know al warming (lol) might get better with less methane spewing liberals. I think I’d prefer cow farts,

  15. Is that all you lefties got is criticism of his ear bandages, You are so pathetic hateful and petty, because you know Trump has been Right and you are having a Hissy fit Meltdown. We the people 🇺🇸 Trump 2024 🇺🇸 .

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