(Commenting on)  Anti-America Protests on July 4 (videos)



  1. It’s the Arabs and Muslims garbage we imported from the shits holes of the world the devil worshipers will always be a devil worshipers SONNER OR LATER WE WILL HAVE TO DACE THEM FACE OFF JUST LIKE EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD THAT PLAGE EXISTS

  2. This really angers me that on. an American holidays these rag heads get to demonstrate and burn our American flags while the government lets them do this without consequences!
    And proof that Muslim Obama is running our country!!!

  3. Until we finally stop ALLOWING this ,it will continue much to the worst government administration in our historys glee. Trump CANNOT get back into office fast enough . Even then ,SO much more destruction to come ….

  4. Merle Haggard said it best.

    “If you don’t love it, leave it.
    Let this song that I’m singin’ be a warnin’,
    If you’re running’ down my country, hoss,
    You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.”

  5. Use facial recognition on every one of these pigs. Round em up, head em out on a C-130 Military transport and fly direct gaza. Have armed Military on board if needed. Cancel all their passports with no re-entry into the US. Give them only bread and water for the trip. And every three hours let one at a time up from the webbing they are sitting in to pee. They don’t like it, tough shit.

  6. This is a hate crime. This is reason for deportation or incarceration at Gitmo. All non citizens should be dealt with quickly and harshly. Screw the civil liberties groups as these animals only want to kill us. They must be stopped and made examples of for the rest of their kind to see. Peace through superior strength and security.

  7. DEPORT all of them, stop being nice this people don’t deserves to be in our country! Is time to show them the exit door, removed their passports and visas and those who are americans and can’t be deported then send them to GITMO!🤬

  8. We love our freedoms, we love our free speech however I believe Americans citizens should reap those rewards and those in our country, thoes who call for death or destruction of our country so not have that right and should be removed immediately.
    Why it doesn’t happen is simple we as Americans are to worried about offending someone and being called mean…
    We have people ( forieners) in our streets saying how much they hate us. Then why are they here?

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