(Commenting on)  ANOTHER ONE: Judge Orders Education Dept. to Restore Some Grants to Schools



  1. You know, I voted for OPT in November to be Our President. Didn’t see one LibTard Progressive DemoncRATic judge on the ballot. I say do what O’BaDin did, just ignore them and carry one since they don’t know the Constitution!

  2. Another judge that needs to keep her nose out of the administrative process. The teachers should ONLY be trained to educate the students in mathematics, science, engineering, english, and literature.
    DEI is discriminatory towards to most of the people. No one should be able to shove their own ideology down anyone’s throat.

  3. F liberal federal judges. I didn’t hear any of them screaming when Biden cancelled millions in student loans. You cannot, as a judge, pick sides but these liberal nut jobs do it constantly. I’m so tired of these ash holes doing crap like this because the cry baby liberals can’t handleit, when Conservatives do to them what they did for four years. Our court system is so screwed thanks to Obama, Biden and Soros. Conservatives need to fight back aggressively. Let the tears fall.

  4. So what this judge actually means is to fund schools who have to hire teachers to teach these illegal kids brought here by illegal freeloading parents how to speak English. English is the official language of the US.
    That would take years. GTF out of my Country.


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