(Commenting on)  ANGRY ACT: Transgender Oscar nominee attacks Trump, claims president is “shameless”



  1. No one cares what IT thinks. IT is mentally challenged. Whatever IT says is distorted, confused, devoid of all reason. Please get psychiatric care before giving your opinion again.

  2. MR. Gascon, you are the one who is shameless! No one wants to put you in jail or beat you up just because you’re a freak who thinks or wants to be a girl! I personally want you to shut up and stop trying to force others to take part in your freakish fantasy. You will never be a female as you were born with male DNA and XY chromosomes. You cannot change that! No matter how you dress, behave or mutilate you body, you will never be a girl! And stop trying to groom innocent children for your selfish and sick perversion! And don’t you ever set one freakish foot of yours in any Women’s bathroom I am in!
    You make me sick!

  3. Well BOO-FREAKIN-HOO!!! If you people would just shut up and live quietly instead of trying to shove your homosexuality down everyone’s throats (no pun intended) there’d be no issue!! Leave the children alone!! Most straight normal people don’t give a shit whether you are gay or trans!! You bring all this on yourself by being so loud about it!! How many people do you ever hear say, “ Hi, I’m -_____- and I’m straight!! “? I refuse to validate your mental illness!!

  4. I believe there are only 2 biological genders (male female) based on their DNA. This is paramount to the competitive athletic sports world.

    On the other hand people those who believe themselves to be the opposite gender other than their DNA dictates, are confused. Their ‘psychological gender’ is based on their environmental influences and is not a gender at all. Instead this is called the ‘parental coalition’ made up of male and female components, and does not determine your biological gender. Instead each of us, male and female, are made of different percentages of male or female characteristics. Some people may act more feminine or more masculine.

    The sports world, in order to be fair to the competitors, must base the competition on DNA only. Transgender people have to accept this, and if they wish create their on sports world.

  5. What a little crybaby! No one is putting you in jail but your own unstable self. Get some mental help! And you’re still a male.

  6. Well hunny biologically you are still male. Can’t change your DNA. Guess what we really don’t care be what you want. Of course you keep blaming Trump for your mental illness. No one is attacking you that’s your perception. You can lay dress up all your want cut off or sew on whatever you want but in the end you’re still biologically male

  7. Too bad the shills will not boycott/cancel Netflix since it harbors all this perverted nonsense. These mentally perverts continue trying to push their perverted sick agenda on we the people. You’re sick, mentally unstable and stop your crazy insanity. Why we the people ever allowed the sick demented corrupt politicians and their cult of libTARDS destroy our European American Christian republic.

  8. ‘Trust the science”….that is what the left preached. The science says there are 2 genders biologically. Male and Female. Period. You can dress like whatever you want. You can call yourself whatever you want. No one cares. But officially, you are the sex you were assigned at conception.

  9. If he wins it won’t be for his acting, it will be because he is trans. He wins by default. What a joke. Wake up all you clueless biological actresses. You will be completely replaced by trans in a couple of years. You will be jobless all in the name of mental illness.

  10. These people need to have a reality check.
    Get help. And please check your plumbing.
    Either you’re at the bat. Or you’re setting this on out.

  11. What a “Drama Queen”. Doesn’t follow the science. Wants things her/his own way and to heck with what anybody else wants. Probably still believes that Jussie Smollett actually was attacked because of his preferences. Would rather people liked and admired and made a big deal over her/him because he/she is transgender. NOT because of being a quality person. So so BRAVE. LOL It took so much courage to admit to being that which everybody already knew anyway. Much more courage than a cop or firefighter. Eben more than a Military veteran. PUKE. What a waste of genetic material.

  12. I looked up this person’s image, and while the tranny doctors did a better job than on Rachel Levine, still😝

    Originally posted January 25th 10:33pm


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