(Commenting on)  ALERT: Wuhan lab known for leaking COVID-19 virus may have just leaked a highly evolved polio strain



  1. They are working with our govt! And a lot of globalist and they want to depopulate so this is their way! We the people must not fall into their evil plan!

  2. Not to worry, Joe is taking care of the situation on the Beach and Ping is shaking in his boots fearing Kamala (SARCASM ) We the people 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸

    • Bg, that’s the million dollar question.
      We have nefarious people working in our U.S. gov’t, AND outside of gov’t.

  3. Something needs to be done !!!it’s all out of hand to make people live this way not kmoeing what’s in the air,food,things being released!!!!

  4. I’m so sick of our government!! They are big bullies and we don’t even know who is in charge of all this crap. I’m so. So sick of it

  5. So ask yourself why is any lab doing anything with the polio virus? It has a vaccine and has been wiped out or was…. Hello anyone questions why China keeps using this lab to leak crap?
    Speaking of which who exactly goes and collects sewer water to test. You would think with the population of New York that test would be so diluted yet they are telling you it’s not..

  6. First of all, nuke that bio lab into molecular oblivion. Next, start shooting all illegals crossing illegally and forcefully deport all that are here. We did ‘t ask for this chaos. We don’t want our kids in iron lungs and wheel chairs.

  7. Why hasn’t this lab been MOAB’d yet. Because biden/harris, fraudchi and the rest of the shithead democrats were in bed with china. Exactly why joe biden didn’t hold them accountable for covid. FU joe and all the rest of your minions. You pigs should all be in jail, no bail.

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