(Commenting on)  ALARMING UPDATE: Would-be Trump assassin had bomb-making materials



  1. Secret service should be investigated. Anyone paying attention to the guy interviewed saying he told police there was someone had a gun and for those 3 minutes nothing was done? This is a little too convenient for me. See if the below will open for anyone. It’s the cop who shot the shooter telling his accounts.



  2. This all doesn’t add up in my book.
    1. A building that doesn’t get searched and an assassin is on the loose to shoot.
    2. People saw a man with a gun.
    3. There was a ladder on the building.
    Our government really messed up!

  3. The whole attempt was a setup..Dan Bongino spells it out..I don’t believe anything the fbi. CIA. Secret service. Doj says. The whole government is against Trump and us!! This tyrannical government needs to be taken out by force!!! 👊🏼🇺🇸

  4. Made a small donation of $15 dollars several years ago.. let’s see he was 20 when killed. So he has been in politics since he was 14.
    Gave me a break.. Shit doesn’t add up…

  5. The guy crawls up on the roof and the SS doesn’t see him, fires 5 quick shots and then is taken out by a SS sniper? Hmmmm.

  6. And there you have it folks, his democratic mom was the influencer who most likely put the hate bug in her sons ear. Her hate fill retoric is most likely the motivation for his action. Words have consequences.

  7. Young people are expendable to those on the left who want their own hands to stay clean! God will expose them ALL!! Young people are so easily swayed to do the bidding of these evil people!! So sad!!

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