(Commenting on)  Afternoon News Briefing: Stunning Supreme Court ruling, backlash roars; New Christian movie trailer, much more…



  1. Any doubt where this commie court stands? Just like all the fake republicans they are in bed with the devil DEMONcrates and big money. We are no longer a constitutional republic, another sad day in America.

  2. The Supreme Court has just joined the Left to silence half of the country! What happened to the right to have a different opinion based on facts. Why is someone else’s truth more important than your truth? What happened to equal rights under the constitution and fairness! What a JOKE!!!

  3. I don’t like the the decision that was taken today from SCOTUS regarding govt telling social media to censor information. I don’t like this at all. This is VERY DANGEROUS.

  4. Top Pediatric Org Quietly Colluded With Trans Ideologues To Push Child Sex Changes, Emails Show….This makes me absolutely want to vomit right now. I would be afraid to take my grandchild or children of family members to a pediatric facility. These people are the most evil pigs on the earth. They are satanists. May they rot in hell.

    The decision by SCOTUS – outrageous. How much more is joe biden going to suppress in the next six months. Trump better win this election, or this country is done for good. There will be no other way to turn.

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