(Commenting on)  AFTERNOON BRIEFING: SCOTUS ruling, Biden’s border chaos, collusion and crime, Dems trying to flip state, Store favored by conservatives exposed for DEI push, more….



  1. Roberta we are looking to the Lord daily. North Carolina remembers the Jimmy Carter mistake and we hoped that Obama would live up to his promises yet I digress. Biden has as much chance as Pooper Cooper unless they have the flash drives already fixed, again.

    • I thought I was the only one that called cooper “coop the poop” biden is the abortion of America taking America down one day at a time, every day. May biden choke on his own vomit in his sleep. I wish nothing better for him.

  2. biden, stay out of North Carolina. We are RED here and don’t want your slimy ass here. I will vote for Mr. Robinson. He is a conservative Republican and I am a conservative Independent.

  3. Now Tractor Supply is on the mental illness train. Time to rethink buying anything from these commies.

  4. What is totally mind boggling is how anyone with half a brain could support Biden and his slimy administration

  5. 1. Good bye Tractor Supply, have to find another place to buy deer corn. 2. Why is this White House filled with so many Freaks, this country is doomed. 3. People may not agree, but, How the Hell do you have bullets in your bag? If you handle bullets that go in guns that carelessly you shouldn’t be using a gun. Yes I’ve been around guns and carelessness or stupidity is no excuse.

  6. If obydumbs percentages are actually that high that tells you how many ignorant stupid people are in this country. No longer the country I grew up in🤬🤬

  7. I know we all fear any ruling that takes away gun right. However there are people who should never own a gun and I’m sure you know a few yourself. I do. However we have gun laws in the books and they aren’t enforced. Usually the charges are reduced.
    As for tractor supply going woke. To me why are we celebrating anyone’s choice of a relationship? So we have flags for a hedrosexual event? No of course not. This is very simple. Stop placing people in categories and have respect everyone month!!
    Companies are being ruined by the managers who are Dei crazy

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