(Commenting on)  ABORTION MOVEMENT: Stevie Nicks claims her pro-choice song is “the most important thing [she’ll] ever do”



  1. Stevie, abortion is where everyone wanted it…With The States! Stop being a mouthpiece for the killing of babies lunatics and think with your brain if you have one!

  2. Don’t ever try to write another song when you first wake up! That one is horrible. Another singer I find I nave no shared values with. Her voice was never that great either.

  3. It is rumored that her song,🎵 Sara, is about the baby she aborted with Don Henley. I have heard her admit she had an abortion reason given because she was so messed up on drugs. This song is pure politics. There is still abortion but the states are in charge now as it was supposed to be. So you may have to travel to another state for one and possibly pay for it yourself. So maybe take other precautions and more careful instead of killing an innocent baby. Be responsible for yourself and baby too. ❤️

  4. Looks like people are angry that the states got thier power BACK .These sheep want the federal govt reigning over EVERYTHING. I bet you fully supported ALL getting the fake vax and wearing useless masks FORCED ?? Well I’m pro choice too …NO fake vax or masks. One last thing dearie you’re SEVENTY SIX your train needs to pull into the station and PARK .

  5. The problem with being pregnant. The woman is carrying a live person, not a thing. It’s murder. It sickens me that the lack is man and a woman can’t take the responsibility to prevent it from happening.
    I have more respect for a woman to give up the baby up for adoption. My ex wanted an abortion, but I talked her into having the baby and that she could leave me anytime after. She left I kept my son and raised them on my own. I’ve never regretted it since.

  6. Another dumb fuck liberal performer marching to the tune of the Dem party.. It seems abortion is the only issue the Dems have, and they are counting on a large % of women to vote for Harris based on this… Women(and Dem cheating)gave us 4 years of Biden… I hope enough have woke up this time to vote Trump and save what’s left of our country..

  7. Hey Stevie! What about the women’s right of choosing NOT to play against bio men in WOMENS sports!
    Or men in womens bathroom s and locker rooms? Where is you big ugly mouth when it comes to that? What about the lives that you want to snuff out! What about their rights! You leftie female feminists make me sick!

  8. Yes ! The most important thing is the choice for a woman to kill their own child !
    Forget birth control!
    Why do that when tax payers will foot the bill for gutting yourself of you own flesh and blood.

  9. You are so ignorant Nicks, abortion wasn’t taken away you liberals keep saying that, abortion rights were given back to each individual state…. YOU CAN STILL ABORT YOUR BABY!!!!!!! Try contraception instead of Murder.

  10. Are people so ignorant or lazy to know or don’t care that there is real birth control at the nearest pharmacy. So they use abortion as their birth control. Shut it Stevie. You’re no longer relevant!

  11. So sick of hearing “My Body My Choice”, NOBODY cares what you do with Your body!!! Dye your hair, tattoo yourself, cut off all your toes and sew them to your face, NOBODY cares. Your statement should be, “My Body My Choice to KILL”, because that’s what You want to do, Anything else you do we DON’T Care!!! Every state has its time period, do it, don’t wait until it has turned into a child, that’s all the states are asking. Use contraceptives, day after pill or do what you have to as soon as possible, don’t wait, 4,5,6, months and then say I don’t want it. Stop screwing around so much wound also be helpful.
    Is Stevie Nicks thinking about an abortion, sorry to tell you lady you are definitely dried up, nothing to worry about there. Take your SONG and ABORT!!!!!


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