WHOA! Dem-Aligned Group Registering Patients To Vote in Hospitals


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From the Washington Free Beacon: The Republican National Committee on Tuesday sent letters to election officials in six swing states urging them to monitor Vot-ER, the nonprofit that helps doctors register their patients to vote, for possible violations of election law, according to copies of the letters obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Addressed to secretaries of state in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada, the letters argue that Vot-ER is “weaponizing the healthcare system” for partisan ends and “threatening … election integrity” with its materials, which have been used to register patients in emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, and even psychiatric hospitals.

“It is not difficult to imagine how a patient could feel pressured to register to vote or support a certain candidate to receive medical care,” the letters say. “The RNC is and always has been a staunch supporter of voter registration and participation, but this perversion of the doctor-patient relationship raises serious legal concerns given the laws and regulations governing that relationship and voter registration.”

Vot-ER is already facing a congressional probe over whether it has taken steps to prevent the registration of illegal immigrants, who, according to a script Vot-ER provides doctors, have been encouraged by their physicians to “help” naturalized relatives “get ready to vote.” Tuesday’s letters could ramp up scrutiny on this practice as the group targets traditional Democratic voting blocs ahead of the 2024 election, prioritizing clinics in majority-minority areas as well as those serving patients under age 24.

The Democrat-aligned Vot-ER is pushing out their program on social media. amd touting that they intend to reach over 5 million page to help them get registered to vote.

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