WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy goes to city at center of massive migrant influx to hear from residents


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From Fox News: Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy hosted a town hall Thursday in Springfield, Ohio, a city that’s been thrust into the 2024 race, calling for an open conversation on the migrant debate dividing the country.

“We’ve been told, mostly by the media, to shut up, sit down, do as you’re told, to sweep it under the rug, or else you’re guilty of some sin,” Ramaswamy began the town hall Thursday evening. “And I just think that the truth in this country is we don’t have to agree on everything. We really don’t. We never have in America. But the beauty of this country is we should be able to talk about it in the open, and that’s what we’re going to do tonight.”

“Our ground rules for tonight is honesty and respect for your fellow citizens,” Ramaswamy told the crowd.

Ramaswamy, a Donald Trump supporter and Ohio native who grew up in nearby Columbus and frequently made visits to Springfield as a child, met with city officials as well as Haitian community leaders prior to the town hall. It was held at a small banquet venue with roughly 200 Springfield residents in the room, with an additional 100 in an overflow room.

Ramaswamy apologized for not booking a larger venue, saying they actually got about 2,000 RSVPs for the event.

He explained he had met earlier in the day with a group of the Haitian migrants.

Ramaswamy said he doesn’t blame the city’s residents for being upset over the problems caused by the influx of Haitian migrants.

“I don’t even blame the Haitian migrants, who were brought here by unconscionable means. I blame the federal policies that are responsible for what is going on in this city,” he said.

In one video clip from the event, Ramaswamy explained, “At tonight’s town hall in Springfield, a woman told me her daughter was chased by a machete-wielding immigrant. Here’s a hard truth: if you’re willing to break the law to come to this country, you’re probably willing to keep breaking it once you’re here.”

Ramaswamy received a standing ovation when one attendee asked if he will run for Governor of Ohio.

“I’m a little more inclined than I was about 10 seconds ago,” he replied as the cheering finally subsided.

WATCH the town hall event with Ramaswamy in the video below:

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