WATCH: Video allegedly showing Palestinian father weeping over ‘dead’ child who scratches leg draws mockery


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Pro-Palestinian activists across the U.S. and around the world have raged against Israel for their efforts to take out the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, following the horrific massacre in Israel by the terrorists last year on Oct 7.

Israel has been accused of committing “genocide” against Palestinian children in Gaza. While some children have reportedly been accidentally killed amid the ongoing war, there have also been reports that Palestinians have greatly exaggerated the numbers of deaths and have even spread false propaganda for the media.

A video posted to social media on Monday reportedly shows a Palestinian father sitting among ruins while holding a child in his arms.  The little boy, who appears to be about 3 or 4 years old, has his eyes closed.

Although no injuries are visible on the child’s body, the father is allegedly weeping and wailing over his “dead” son.

However, during the video, the child moves his feet and hands multiple times, and at one point, reaches down with his hand to scratch his foot.

NOTE: DMLNewsApp cannot confirm any details about this video beyond what has been posted on social media.

The video has gotten over 17 million views in 24 hours, and is drawing widespread mockery.

One X user quipped, “This is truly heart breaking, this father is making a video holding his dead son. What really broke my heart is that the kid was so dead that he had to scratch the itch on his leg. I mean to have an itch that is so bad that you feel it after you are dead… just brought tears to my eyes.”

Another person added, “It’s an absolute tragedy. No father should ever have to witness their dead child suffering from such an itch.”

“It’s a miracle that the itch on the foot woke him from the dead! Sometimes I feel like that in the middle of the night!” another person mocked.

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