WATCH: State Took Away a Widow’s Teenage Daughter to Transition Her


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From the Daily Signal: A mother in California lost her daughter to the foster care system in 2016 after she wouldn’t support the then-14-year-old girl identifying as a boy.

“I lost my husband, but this was worse than losing my husband, because I had my rights taken away,” the mother told The Daily Signal.

Years later, the daughter regrets attempting to transition, and her mother warns other parents against allowing minors to make irreversible changes to their bodies.

The mother of two, whose husband had died years earlier, was accused of emotional abuse for forbidding her teenage daughter from binding her chest and wearing male clothes. Her daughter was taken from the family and placed in a foster home for a few months.

According to the report, the woman’s teenage daughter spent a few months staying in a packed foster home in a dangerous neighborhood. Finally, the daughter asked to come home, and admitted that she had lied about the abuse.

The daughter said she got the idea to accuse her mother of abuse from people online who said that was the way she could away from her family.

The mother said it wasn’t easy to get her daughter back, as she had to hire lawyers to regain custody, and clear her name of the abuse charges.

“Once this was all resolved, I thought I had to get out of California, as much as it was home to me, and still is, to some point. I didn’t feel safe there raising my daughter anymore,” she explained.

WATCH the full story in the video below:

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