WATCH: Farmer’s property flooded by migrants — and they’re not coming from southern border


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From Fox News: Chris Oliver’s property in Fort Covington, New York has become an unintended gateway for a stream of illegal immigrants crossing the Canadian border into the United States, leaving him dismayed and wondering if the problem will ever be resolved.

He told “Fox & Friends First” he “absolutely” blames “border czar” Kamala Harris and President Biden for the issue.

“You have no control over it. You don’t know who these people are. Not everybody is a good person,” Oliver said on Wednesday.

“They’ve got 13,000 in the last six months… I feel they’ve caught 50%. That’s probably a good reading. It’s hard to say how many people actually have come across,” he said, elaborating on the urgency of the crisis.

Chris Oliver and his wife have three young children, and they have illegal aliens from all across the world brazenly trespassing across their private property day and night.

Oliver says he does worry for his family’s safety, and noted that four years ago, when Trump was in office, they hardly ever saw someone walking across their property. Now it’s happening every day.

“They had a guy up in Ormstown not too far away from us, he was arrested. He was planning an ISIS-style attack in New York City. That was just recently. That same night, I still had people come across my cameras. That should be stopped,” he said.


Oliver has been posting videos on his Facebook page for the past 3 months. He appears to have at least two trail cameras set up, one which covers the road right in front of his house, and another labeled as “back corner woods.”

The camera in front of his home continuously picks up groups of illegal aliens walking past, while his personal vehicles are parked in his driveway.

The back corner woods camera often picks up men wearing turbans on their head.

Here’s another group sneaking past his home at 4:30 in the morning, last month.

A group of single adult men, another turban-wearing man:

Another group walk past on Sept. 5. One woman appears to be wearing Islamic garb.

There are at least four turban-wearing men in this group:

Clearly, it just never stops… here is another Oliver posted on Sunday, Sept. 22, as the illegal aliens march right across his private property.

In July he posted a photo of several shoes and pieces of clothing left behind by the illegal aliens.

“More garbage left behind by the wonderful illegals don’t worry assholes I’ll pick it up,” he wrote in disgust.

In June, Oliver’s wife, Karissa Oliver, announced on her Facebook page, “Chris and I met with Senator Dan Stec, Malone Mayor Andrea Dumas and members of the US Border Patrol this afternoon to express our concerns with the open borders. We were able to show them our property, and had good conversation about the struggles with allowing this nonsense to continue. This evening we got a phone call from Elise Stefanik. Our voices are being heard! 🙌 Hopefully this disaster will not last after November! 🇺🇸”

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