WATCH: Dr. Ben Carson delivers powerful remarks at Trump faith leaders event


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Dr. Ben Carson, who served as the Housing and Urban Development Secretary for the entire four years of the Trump administration, from 2017 to 2021, spoke at a faith leaders event with former President Donald Trump in Concord, North Carolina Monday evening.

“This election is not about Democrats and Republicans…it’s about whether we are a secular nation, or, are we ONE NATION UNDER GOD,” Carson warned. He recalled the words of Benjamin Franklin, who said we have a Republic “if you can keep it.”

“We’ve kept it for 240 years, but we are as close to losing it right now as we have ever been,” Carson warned. He slammed Biden’s Justice Department for persecuting their political enemies… something you would expect from Russia or China.

Carson also called out Kamala Harris over her recent comments against pro-life Christian students in Wisconsin. “We have somebody running for President who recently said in a crowd when somebody said ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’ that ‘You’re in the wrong crowd,'” Carson said.

“Think about that,” he said. “In Matthew 12: 34 it says, ‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.’ She didn’t have time to think about what she was going to say. She just said what’s in her heart. So maybe she’s the one who doesn’t belong.”

He warned that the term “disinformation” is laying the groundwork for censorship.

Carson noted that Democrats will not stop in their attacks against Trump, but reminded listeners of the verse in the Bible that says, “If God be for you, who can be against you.”

He revealed that in the last election, an estimated 20 million evangelical Christians did not vote, and stressed the importance in Christians voting.

“Think about the power that exists in the people who believe in God. We don’t have to be victims… we can absolute control the direction of our nation, but we have to get involved to do it,” he said.

“I know there are a lot of Christians who say, ‘Both sides are corrupt and I don’t want to be involved in a corrupt system. I don’t want to have to choose between the lesser of two evils,'” he said.

“Well, unless Jesus Christ is on the ballot, you are always choosing between the lesser of two evils,” Carson said.

He then shared a moving story about the time Trump stood beside him in a time of confusion when no one else did, and said, “I guarantee you, he will stand beside the United States of America.”

Dr. Carson’s full speech is in the video below:


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