WATCH: DML shares 10 steps to fix illegal immigration crisis, including how a ‘mass deportation’ would work


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During his “Ask DML” podcast last week, DMLNewsApp founder Dennis Michael Lynch shared an impressive list of ten steps he would take to fix the illegal immigration crisis if he were in charge.

DML, who has covered border security extensively over the past 16 years, has also produced four powerful documentary films on illegal immigration.

He listed the following ten steps he would take immediately if he were President of the United States to address the border crisis:

  1. Mass deportations
  2. Shut down the border completely
  3. Stop mass LEGAL migration
  4. Cut off all federal money to all sanctuary cities in the US
  5. Cut off money to any country who refused to take back their illegal aliens from the US
  6. Mandatory E-Verify for every employer in the US
  7. Raid businesses who hire illegal aliens, jail employers who hire illegal aliens
  8. Massive tariffs on Mexico and Canada if they don’t shut down their borders
  9. Deputize all sheriff and police departments to help enforce immigration laws
  10. Build the wall across entire southern border

DML also shared his plan on how a mass deportation system would work, and in such a way that a large percentage of illegal aliens in the US would be motivated to “self-deport.”

Acknowledging that the courts would fight a deportation plan, DML said he would start a deportation process so fast that millions of illegal aliens would already be deported before the courts could even act.

“But my biggest deportation effort would be that of self-deportation,” DML revealed.

He then laid out a brilliant plan to incentivize illegal aliens to leave on their own.

  • Allow a 3-month grace period for illegal aliens in the US to leave on their own. They can take whatever money they’ve earned with them. Check out on their way out, then if they ever want to come back, they can apply legally, and their previous illegal stay will not be held against them.
  • If they DON’T self deport after three months and are caught being in the US illegally, “we’re confiscating your money, you’re getting deported, and you’ll NEVER have a chance to ever come back,” DML said.


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