WATCH: Actor Jon Voight releases video with chilling warning


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Actor Jon Voight, who is a conservative and a staunch Trump supporter, posted a new 3-minute video on social media overnight, with a chilling warning.

“This is the war of our lifetime now… we are in trouble if this nation picks Kamala Harris,” he began.

“It’s a war crime that Obama is directing, and Kamala Harris will be the cackling hyena that just listens and repeats,” he quipped, adding that if we do not stop this horror, “you, my friends, will have the biggest horror that you won’t know how to end.

“The left is trying to take away your children and turn them into ‘non-binaries,'” he said.

“All of you who think this is a great economy, you will find your life will sink into a hole of darkness and the freedom that we all once had will be burned in the dark plague of the darkest time in history like the destruction of the civil war,” Voight warned.

WATCH his full video below:

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