VIDEO: Protests unfold at California State Capitol following scrapped reparations bills


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Two reparations-related bills for descendants of enslaved Black Americans failed to pass in the California legislature on Saturday.

Senate Bill 1331, proposed by Democrat Sen. Steven Bradford, aimed to create a state fund for reparations. Senate Bill 1403 sought to establish an agency to oversee the efforts and determine eligibility. These bills were key to lawmakers’ efforts to address racial disparities. Still, despite passing other measures to remedy past racial injustices, the legislature did not approve any that would provide direct payments to African Americans.

Bradford stated that the bills stalled due to concerns that Gov. Gavin Newsom might veto them. He urged his colleagues to reconsider, emphasizing the Black Caucus’s responsibility to “descendants of slavery.” California Legislative Black Caucus Chair Assemblymember Lori Wilson claimed that the bills were withdrawn because they needed further refinement.

Pro-reparations protesters gathered at the Capitol on Saturday. The Coalition for a Just & Equitable California accused the CLBC of not bringing the bills to a vote, despite having enough support to pass them.

The group wrote the following on X: “This type of betrayal cannot go unanswered. There must be a political price to pay. Gone are the days when politicians of any race or party can disrespect Black Americans and expect no political consequences. We are not captured. We do not belong to any party or special interest. We are the living embodiment of our Ancestors who built this state and this country over 400 years and who are owed Reparations. We’re coming…No…We’re HERE, to get our checks and more.”

A Black woman who is part of the group chimed in, according to video shared on X: “We need to send a message to the governor; The governor needs to understand the world is watching California and this is gonna have a direct impact on your friend Kamala Harris who is running for president. This is going to have a direct impact, so pull up the bills now, vote on them and sign them. We’ve been waiting for over 400 years.”

See videos of the protest below:

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