VIDEO: Mail delivery suspended in Kansas neighborhood after alarming attack on postal carrier


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From ABC News: WICHITA, Kan. — Mail delivery has been suspended in a neighborhood in Kansas after two men assaulted a postal carrier who used pepper spray to stop large dogs from chasing him.

Residents of the 41 affected addresses in Wichita now have to pick up their mail at the nearest post office, said Paul Shade, a spokesperson and inspector for the U.S. Postal Service.

Police responded Sept. 21 to a battery call and found that the carrier had facial injuries, police spokesperson Juan Rebolledo said.

The worker was chased by two dogs while delivering mail. After using pepper spray, he rushed back to his vehicle but then was followed for blocks by two men who assaulted him, Shade said.

The postal worker, a 48-year-old man, reportedly suffered minor injuries to his face but refused medical treatment.

Local police are still looking for the attackers.  The United States Postal Service has requested that all customers keep their dogs within controlled spaces or on leashes.

Postal Inspector Paul Shade said in a statement to the media, “Thankfully, our carrier is going to be OK, but the incident involved two dogs that were aggressively coming toward our carrier leaving no option, but to deploy the pepper spray in order to protect himself. The actions of the residents in response to this is unacceptable and will be followed up on by local law-enforcement and federal authorities.”

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