VIDEO: Liberal activist admits the cold truth after volunteering at DNC


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A podcaster who volunteered at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago revealed she would not vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a viral TikTok video, Evan, co-host of “Rolling In The Deep State,” criticized the convention attendees as “the most elite and out-of-touch people.” Harris accepted the Democratic nomination on Thursday, following President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race.

Evan stated the following:

“When I was there, I didn’t feel any connection to real America or the place that I come from, which is the Midwest, Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri… I didn’t feel any connection to the people that I know right now, who are struggling to buy their groceries or to pay their rent, the people who want to know what both candidates are going to do to materially affect change in their lives. And when I was there listening to the speeches, I felt myself feeling mad because I didn’t hear anything about the economy, definitely not in Kamala’s speech and not very much in the others as well. Instead, I heard generic platitudes, things like joy and respect and integrity. And what does that even mean?”

She continued:

“Let’s make the military the most lethal in the world? I thought I was part of the anti-war party. I thought I was part of the party that thought for the underdog, that championed working people. When and how did we just become the party of academia and affluence? That’s what we are right now…

You know, I went to the DNC this year hoping that I would feel reconnected to the Democratic Party, that I would have more of a sense of understanding of Kamala and her candidacy and what she stood for, but instead I ended up leaving and feeling the opposite, more disconnected and alone than ever,” the podcast host said. “And I don’t think I can support Kamala Harris for president. I don’t even know if I can call myself a Democrat anymore. I don’t know who I’m gonna be supporting, but I know it’s not her. And for once, I’m not afraid to say it.”

Watch her impactful viral video below:

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