VIDEO: Kamala Harris explains why she thinks young people won’t have children


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A video featuring Kamala Harris discussing climate anxiety and its influence on young people’s decisions about having children has recently resurfaced. In the video, Harris addresses the growing concern among young individuals about the future of the planet and how this anxiety is impacting their life choices, including the decision to start families.

Many social media users have interpreted her comments as an implicit suggestion that young people should reconsider having children due to the escalating climate crisis. This interpretation has fueled a broader theory that influential elites are attempting to discourage population growth as a response to environmental challenges. Critics argue that this narrative aligns with what they perceive as a larger agenda to reduce the global population under the guise of addressing climate change.

Supporters of Harris, however, contend that her remarks were taken out of context. They argue that she was merely highlighting a genuine concern among younger generations about the sustainability of the planet and the quality of life for future generations.

Critics argue that promoting climate anxiety contributes to a culture of fear that can lead to drastic and unwarranted lifestyle changes.

Watch the clip here: