VIDEO: Dem strategist urges Kamala to avoid campaigning on life story, admits she’s not ‘all-American’


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From the Daily CallerDemocratic strategist James Carville advised Vice President Harris on Wednesday not to campaign on her biography because she doesn’t have a typical “all-American” background.

Harris’ mother and father met as students at the University of California at Berkeley, with her mother becoming a research scientist and her father a Stanford University professor, according to The New York Times. Carville, on “Conversations with Bill Kristol” speculated Harris was somewhat wealthy growing up, suggesting her early life background will not aid her in winning the presidential election.

“Her bio is not all-American … she doesn’t have a up by the bootstraps story. I mean, I think she grew up relatively affluent,” Carville said. “I mean, college professors don’t starve to death. I don’t know … She can talk about it, but I don’t think her bio is … the kind of thing she’s going to win this on. It’s fine to talk about it, experiences she had.”

“I think if I were her, in terms of my past experience, I would talk more about being an AG and being a kind of consumer advocate, and being a DA and being tough on crime, seems to be kind of in right now, if I say so myself. I’ve never been very much of a pro-crime guy,” he added, laughing.


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