UPDATE: Shocking bill aiding illegal aliens goes to governor’s desk for signature


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From Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom will make the final decision on a bill that would make illegal aliens eligible for $150,000 in home loans for first-time buyers, after the State Assembly passed a final version of the bill on Wednesday.

Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Corona) helped lead Republican opposition to the bill, but Democrats passed it by a three-to-one veto-proof majority, sending it to the governor’s desk — and drawing attention to the party’s pattern of creating incentives for illegal migration by heaping taxpayer-funded benefits onto people who are not supposed to be in the country at all.

As Breitbart News has reported, the loan program expands an existing program that does not require a down payment or interest payments, but instead requires borrowers to repay the principal and a percentage of the appreciation of the value of the home.

Wednesday evening, Essayli blasted Democrats for passing the bill, as he shared a video of his comments against it.

“California democrats love illegal immigration so much they offer many incentives for them to come here. Today, the Assembly just voted to give illegal immigrants free down payment assistance (up to $150k) to buy a house a new home. Thats on top of providing free health care and free college tuition,” he wrote.

“Does it even mean anything to be a citizen anymore? I spoke in strong opposition to this backwards policy, and now Gavin Newsom will decide whether to sign it into law. I hope all California voters are watching what’s happing up here,” Essayli continued.

And now, off it goes to the governor’s desk, where it awaits his signature.

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