STUNNING UPDATE: Why James O’Keefe was detained near Canadian border, and a Border Patrol whistleblower speaks out


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Investigative journalist James O’Keefe, founder of O’Keefe Media Group, announced Tuesday that he will soon be releasing a new documentary, “Line In The Sand,” exposing the massive human trafficking operation that’s been taking place under the Biden administration.

He made the announcement in an appearance with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson at an event in Fort Worth, Texas.

Just ahead of the film’s release, O’Keefe said that he and his team were detained near the Canadian border by Vermont State Police.  He also revealed that multiple Border Patrol agents have decided to participate in the documentary as whistleblowers.

Now O’Keefe has released more details, explaining the encounter with the Vermont State Police, and the CBP whistleblower has released a public statement.

The original CBP whistleblower, Zachary Apotheker, who is stationed in northern Vermont, reportedly received a “cease and desist” order from the Biden administration’s Border Patrol on Sept. 11, after they became aware that he was blowing the whistle, and accused him of “misconduct.”

O’Keefe said Tuesday night that as a result of the cease and desist letter sent to Apotheker, at least FIVE MORE Border Patrol agents have come forward as whistleblowers. He predicted there will be “dozens” more coming forward in the next few weeks.

O’Keefe attempted to visit with Apotheker’s supervisors for comment on the “cease and desist” letter, and was then detained by the Vermont State Police.

On Thursday, he released the footage of the police encounter in Vermont, along with the following details:

On Saturday, September 21st, Vermont State Trooper Daniel Bohnyak held O’Keefe for asking for comment on Border Patrol Agent Zachary Apotheker’s (@ZachApotheker) whistleblower case. Apotheker details in the film “Line in the Sand” how underage girls are being sent to unknown locations without proper biometrics and MS-13 gang members are receiving free healthcare. O’Keefe visited the homes of three Border Patrol supervisors—Michael Shick, Richard Fortunato, and Robert Garcia—seeking comment on the circumstances behind the cease-and-desist letter sent to Apotheker, who exposed misconduct at the northern Vermont-Canada border.

At Shick’s home, O’Keefe asked, “Are you Michael Shick?” Shick, visibly uncomfortable, responded, “No, I’m not.” As O’Keefe pressed further, showing Shick’s photograph to confirm his identity, Shick got on an ATV parked nearby and hurriedly drove away, avoiding further accountability.

At Richard Fortunato’s residence, O’Keefe and his crew were met by Fortunato’s wife, who opened the door and immediately ordered, “You need to leave!” As O’Keefe attempted to explain that he was there to speak to her husband, she became more hostile, threatening, “I’m going to call the police!”

When O’Keefe arrived in Garcia’s neighborhood, the Vermont State Police were waiting in the street, in the front of his house. “We’re simply asking for comment,” O’Keefe stated, emphasizing his rights as a journalist. Initially, Vermont State Trooper Daniel Bohnyak told O’Keefe and his crew they were “free to leave,” but moments later changed his stance, saying, “Right now, you are not free to leave.” The stated reason for detaining O’Keefe was that his car was allegedly “parked in the middle of a public highway,” though it was actually on a neighborhood side street.

Despite standing on public property, O’Keefe was issued a trespassing notice, warning him not to return to the homes of the Border Patrol officers. Reflecting on the incident, O’Keefe remarked, “In a world where 500,000 children are being moved in three years… the Vermont State Police are spending their days detaining journalists for asking questions.

Initially, Newsweek reported that Vermont State Police claimed O’Keefe “was not detained.” However, the publication has since issued a correction, acknowledging that O’Keefe was indeed detained, supported by video evidence of the incident.


On Thursday, Apotheker released the following statement:

I’m Zachary Apotheker, and I’ve been on the front lines as a Border Patrol agent, witnessing firsthand the surge that’s more than just numbers; it’s an invasion, an occupying force challenging the very fabric of our nation. When I decided to speak out, I had no idea my message would resonate with the likes of Tucker Carlson or that James O’Keefe would mention me on stage, leaving Tucker flabbergasted.

Let me be clear: I didn’t speak out for fame or association with any figure, big or small. I risked my job for one reason only—to amplify the truth for the American public who deserve transparency and protection.

The reality at our borders isn’t just about policy or politics; it’s about the integrity of our country. Every day, I see the consequences of an overwhelmed system, where agents like me are turned into mere facilitators of a massive, unchecked influx.

I’m proud to fight for America because you, the people, deserve better. You deserve a secure border, not just for security but for the sanctity of what it means to be an American. This isn’t about fear-mongering or xenophobia; it’s about sovereignty, about ensuring that the rule of law isn’t just a phrase but a lived reality.

I stand here not for personal gain, but as a voice for those who feel voiceless, for the communities that see change but lack understanding, and for the future of our nation. Let’s keep pushing for truth, for security, and for America.

On Friday, O’Keefe posted a new update, saying Whistleblower Zach Apotheker is now getting disturbing messages from his superiors urging him to turn on O’Keefe:

“Watch Your Back;” Feds Pressure Border Patrol Whistleblower in ‘Line in the Sand’ to Turn on O’Keefe.

Federal agents have reportedly contacted Zachary Apotheker (@ZachApotheker), the Border Patrol whistleblower featured in “Line in the Sand,” attempting to pressure him into turning against James O’Keefe.

Messages sent through DM warned him to ‘watch his back’ and suggested reaching out to former whistleblowers who had worked with O’Keefe. Despite this pressure, Apotheker remains resolute, standing alongside O’Keefe. With over 300,000 children missing, Apotheker has made it clear that his mission is not for personal gain, but to shine a light on the border crisis and protect the most vulnerable.


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT…. below is the trailer of O’Keefe’s new documentary, “Line In The Sand,” which premieres October 10th, exclusively on the Tucker Carlson Network.

WATCH: James O’Keefe reveals his big announcement, just weeks ahead of presidential election

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