STARK WAKE UP CALL: Unfavorable outlook on Democrat Party hit all time high


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A new Quinnipiac University poll found Americans nearly split on the GOP regarding their view of the party (43% favorable, 45% unfavorable). However, in comparison, negative views of the Democratic Party outweighed positive ones by 26 points (31% favorable, 57% unfavorable).

Democrats’ 57% unfavorable rating is their highest in Quinnipiac polling since 2008, while the Republican 43% favorable rating is its best ever. This marks an unprecedented imbalance, even amid the party’s recent unpopularity.

Though just one poll, it aligns with broader trends pointing to a shift in the outlook of the Democrat Party. A recent CNN poll released last week showed that a record-low 33% of Americans had a favorable view of the party. That’s four points lower than in any CNN poll since 2006. And if you expand the dataset to earlier CNN, USA Today and Gallup polls, it’s the party’s worst since 1992.

As of 2025, Democrats are left with weaker leadership than ever before and have lost many of their more loyal minority voters, relinquishing to Trump’s 2024 gains with Hispanic and African American male voters.

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