SEE IT: Migrants Used Underwater Propulsion Devices to Illegally Cross Texas Border River


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From Breitbart: Eagle Pass, Texas, police officers apprehended two men shortly after they illegally crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into the U.S. The men were wearing wet suits and apparently used underwater propulsion devices to assist their undetected crossing.

A vigilant Eagle Pass resident contacted the Eagle Pass Police Department after noticing two suspicious people in their south Eagle Pass neighborhood. Officers responded and found two men attempting to hide under a bridge, police officials posted on Facebook.

The officers took the two men into custody after identifying them as Guatemalan migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Texas. Each of the men wore “full length wet suits used for SCUBA diving,” the post states. “Each was in possession of an individual water propulsion apparatus.”

Officials said the devices were used to “navigate through the treacherous waters of the Rio Grande.”

Below is a demonstration of how an underwater propulsion device similar to the one the illegal aliens were caught with works.

Below is another demonstration of a different type of underwater propulsion device.

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