REVEALED: How Kamala Harris filled out the ACLU survey when asked about transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants


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Metadata from a 2019 ACLU questionnaire reveals that Kamala Harris’s campaign manager, Julie Chávez Rodriguez, authored Harris’s response supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants.

The document, created on July 16, 2019, was published by the ACLU on September 1, three months before Harris ended her 2020 presidential campaign.

The revelation shows that Kamala Harris’s ACLU survey responses were crafted at the highest levels of her 2019 campaign, with Julie Chávez Rodriguez, now her campaign manager, playing a key role. This undermines the Harris campaign’s attempts to distance itself from the 2019 responses, which resurfaced when CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski highlighted them. A Harris spokesman dismissed the report, calling old questionnaires a “distraction” and stating that they don’t reflect her current platform.

Chávez Rodriguez, who has worked with Harris for nearly a decade and now serves as her campaign manager, previously held the same role for Biden. The 2019 ACLU questionnaire, issued as Harris sought to bolster her liberal credentials against candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, asked her to back left-wing policies such as reducing federal incarceration by 50% and ending the use of ICE detainers.

For most questions, Harris provided written responses instead of checking “Yes” or “No,” but for the transgender surgery question, she explicitly checked “Yes.”

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