REPORT: With an election looming, the U.S. is approving citizenship applications at the fastest speed in years


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From the Los Angeles Times: Hundreds of people from 63 countries packed into a Riverside theater last week to take the oath of citizenship. American flags lined the stage as messages conveying the immigrants’ new power played on a large screen.

“Today, I am an American. Today, I am a citizen of the country I serve. Today, I can register to vote.”

The 775 people who participated in the naturalization ceremony Sept. 19 are part of a wave of new U.S. citizens being sworn in across the country, as immigration authorities approve citizenship applications at the fastest speed in a decade.

The Biden administration says the uptick in new citizens is due to efforts to reduce a backlog of applications that began during the Trump administration and exploded amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Immigration officials said the timing is not driven by the election or any political agenda.

The Department of Homeland Security “does not take actions based on electoral politics or upcoming elections. Period,” spokesperson Naree Ketudat said. She added that the agency has endeavored to process naturalization petitions within six months for decades.

The report states that “It is typical for citizenship applications to spike during election years, and California is home to the largest number of lawful permanent residents who are eligible to become naturalized citizens. Thousands are doing so in time to cast votes in the Nov. 5 election.”

The LA Times claimed in the report that “Former President Trump and his Republican allies have long repeated baseless claims that Democrats are admitting immigrants into the U.S. for political gain and allowing them to vote unlawfully.”

To prove their point, they zone in on one new U.S. citizen, Victoria Van Valen, 54, who came to the U.S. from Mexico when she was 15 years old. She is planning to vote for Trump in the November election.

The LA Times added: Nearly 4 million immigrants have gained U.S. citizenship since the 2020 election, according to federal government figures. That’s a tiny fraction of the more than 158 million people who voted in 2020.

An additional 9 million people are eligible to naturalize, the report states, noting that most of them are concentrated in California, New York, Texas and Florida. However, the Times states that they people “are unlikely to attain citizenship before the election.”

X owner Elon Musk reacted to the report, writing, “They are importing voters. It is obvious.”

DMLNewsApp founder Dennis Michael Lynch responded, “We… are… done. Toast. They will all get social security.”

Border videographer Jeff Rainforth also reacted to the report by re-posting video footage he took a few months ago, as thousands of illegal aliens from all over the world poured across the border at Lukeville, Arizona. The illegal aliens were “Mostly young males from the Islamic-majority African nations of Senegal and Guinea,” Rainforth wrote.

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