REPORT: Trump’s Deputies Restart Border Wall Construction


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From Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security is filling President Joe Biden’s gaps in the nation’s border wall.

Trump’s new border patrol chief, Michael Banks, touted the wall construction in a Saturday tweet: “Efforts like installing wall panels to fill critical gaps in Deming, New Mexico, exemplify our commitment to enhancing infrastructure and operational effectiveness.”

The expanded concrete-and-steel wall will complement Trump’s many other border measures. Those changes include the deployment of more border guards and the rollout of legal changes that minimize loopholes in the border law.

Podcast host Benny Johnson also posted photos and wrote”

BREAKING: America’s Border Wall is Being Built Again! New photos just released show construction crews building miles of NEW border wall across New Mexico. These rural areas were some of the worst for human trafficking and drug smuggling.

White House Officials just confirmed to me that new walls are going up “at lightning speed” and Border Patrol is “reenergized” and “morale has not been this high in 4 years.”

Independent border reporter Anthony Aguero posted a video from El Paso, Texas and announced, “El Paso Border Wall Construction has officially begun.”

Construction on border wall at Tijuana, Mexico has also started up again. The following video was reportedly taken on January 21, just one day after Trump’s inauguration.

The 1,500 military troops President Trump have deployed to the border are also reportedly helping to reinforce walls and building outposts to help them monitor any illegal entries.

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