REPORT: Trump shares letter Biden left for him in Resolute Desk before leaving office


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President Donald Trump has now allowed Fox News reporter Peter Doocy to view the letter which Joe Biden left in the desk drawer prior to leaving the Oval Office.

It is customary for outgoing presidents to leave a letter in the desk drawer for their successor.

At Doocy’s prompting Monday evening, Trump had looked in the desk and found the letter, but kept it sealed at the time, waiting to read it privately before releasing it to the public.

Trump has now shown the letter to Doocy, and allowed him to share its contents with the public.

Doocy announced in a social media post:

We can exclusively report for the first time anywhere the contents of President Biden’s letter to President Trump

Dear President Trump,

As I take leave of this sacred office I wish you and your family all the best in the next four years. The American people – and people around the world – look to this house for steadiness in the inevitable storms of history, and my prayer is that in the coming years will be a time of prosperity, peace, and grace for our nation.

May God bless you and guide you as He has blessed and guided our beloved country since our founding.

Joe Biden

Doocy then spoke about the letter while speaking to Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany Wednesday morning:

Doocy asked Trump if Biden had left a letter while Trump was signing Executive Orders in the Oval Office Monday evening.

Trump then opened up the desk drawer and found the letter, capturing the moment on live television.

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